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Premorbid screening of healthy students may carry latent liability for schizophrenia or bipolar affective disorder with neurocognitive and neurophenomenological methods. EUROPEAN PSYCHIATRY. 65:S683-S683.
2022. Premorbid screening of healthy students may carry latent liability for schizophrenia or bipolar affective disorder with neurocognitive and neurophenomenological methods. EUROPEAN PSYCHIATRY. 65:S683-S683.
2022. Premorbid screening of healthy students may carry latent liability for schizophrenia or bipolar affective disorder with neurocognitive and neurophenomenological methods. EUROPEAN PSYCHIATRY. 65:S683-S683.
2022. Premorbid screening of healthy students may carry latent liability for schizophrenia or bipolar affective disorder with neurocognitive and neurophenomenological methods. EUROPEAN PSYCHIATRY. 65:S683-S683.
2022. .
2009. Scalable Stealth Mode P2P Overlays of Very Small Constant Degree. ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems. 6:1-27.
2011. A Set of Successive Job Allocation Models in Distributed Computing Infrastructures. Journal of Grid Computing. 14:347-358.
2016. Seventh European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR 2003). Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution: Research and Practice. 16:217–218.
2004. SIP compression. Periodica Polytechnica-Electrical Engineering. 47:1-2.
2003. Smartphone-based data collection with stunner, the reality of peer-to-peer connectivity and web real-time communications using crowdsourcing: lessons learnt while cleaning the data. International Journal On Advances in Software. 11(1-2):120-130.
2018. Smartphone-based data collection with stunner, the reality of peer-to-peer connectivity and web real-time communications using crowdsourcing: lessons learnt while cleaning the data. International Journal On Advances in Software. 11(1-2):120-130.
2018. Stunner: A Smart Phone Trace for Developing Decentralized Edge Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. vol 11534(Pereira J., Ricci L. (eds) Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems. DAIS 2019)
2019. Stunner: A Smart Phone Trace for Developing Decentralized Edge Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. vol 11534(Pereira J., Ricci L. (eds) Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems. DAIS 2019)
2019. Survey of Code-Size Reduction Methods. ACM Computing Surveys. 35:223-267.
2003. A Survey on Blockchain-Fog Integration Approaches. IEEE Access. 8:102657-102668.
2020. A Survey on Service Quality Description. ACM COMPUTING SURVEYS. 46:1–58.
2013. A Survey on Service Quality Description. ACM COMPUTING SURVEYS. 46:1–58.
2013. Szkizofrénia és bipoláris affektív zavar kifejlődése iránt alacsony kockázatot mutató egészséges egyetemisták premorbid szűrése neurokognitív és neurofenomenológiai módszerekkel. PSYCHIATRIA HUNGARICA. 36:120-121.
2021. Szkizofrénia és bipoláris affektív zavar kifejlődése iránt alacsony kockázatot mutató egészséges egyetemisták premorbid szűrése neurokognitív és neurofenomenológiai módszerekkel. PSYCHIATRIA HUNGARICA. 36:120-121.
2021. Szkizofrénia és bipoláris affektív zavar kifejlődése iránt alacsony kockázatot mutató egészséges egyetemisták premorbid szűrése neurokognitív és neurofenomenológiai módszerekkel. PSYCHIATRIA HUNGARICA. 36:120-121.
2021. Szkizofrénia és bipoláris affektív zavar kifejlődése iránt alacsony kockázatot mutató egészséges egyetemisták premorbid szűrése neurokognitív és neurofenomenológiai módszerekkel. PSYCHIATRIA HUNGARICA. 36:120-121.
2021. Teaching Software Testing in Hungary. COMPUTERWORLD - Számítástechnika. 42:13-14.
2011. Theoretical Foundations of Dynamic Program Slicing. Theoretical Computer Science. 360:23–41.
2006. .
2012. A Trajectory-based Strict Semantics for Program Slicing. Theoretical Computer Science. 411:1372–1386.