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Precise static slicing of constraint logic programs. Kalmár Workshop on Logic and Computer Science. :153-164.
2003. Performance Comparison of Query-based Techniques for Anti-pattern Detection. Information and Software Technology. 65:147–165.
2015. Performance analysis of an openstack private cloud. CLOSER 2016 - Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science. 2:282-289.
2016. Passive vs. Active Measurement: the Role of Smart Sensors. Third International Workshop on Pervasive Computing in Embedded Systems. :333-337.
2011. Parallel execution of object functional queries. Fourth Symposium on Programming Languages and Software Tools. :447-459.
1995. Parallel execution of object functional queries. Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de Rolando Eotvos Nominatae Sectio Computarotica. 17:339-355.
1998. A Parallel Design Method for Producing Valid Protocols. Proc. of 8th Symposium on Microcomputer and Microprocessor Applications. :689-697.
1994. Orvosi információs rendszerek a SZOTE-n (HIS, RIS, PACS). Információcsere a rendszerek között.. A számítastechnika orvosi és biológiai alkalmazásai, 20. Neumann Kollokvium. :184-186.
1996. Multi-Grid Brokering with the P-GRADE Portal. Post-Proceedings of the Austrian Grid Symposium (AGS'06). :166-179.
2007. Morfoszintaktikailag annotált néprajzi korpusz. VI. Magyar Számítógépes Nyelvészeti Konferencia: MSZNY 2009. :386-389.
2009. MobIoTSim: Towards a mobile IoT device simulator. Proceedings - 2016 4th International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud Workshops, W-FiCloud 2016. :21-27.
2016. Meta-Brokering Solutions for Expanding Grid Middleware Limitations. Euro-Par 2008 Workshops. :199–210.
2009. Legal and regulative aspects of IoT cloud systems. Proceedings - 2016 4th International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud Workshops, W-FiCloud 2016. :15-20.
2016. Klinikai döntéstámogató rendszerek és a Telemedicina. IME : Informatika és menedzsment az egészségügyben. X:50-54.
2011. Issues of Persistence Service Integration in Enterprise Systems. Proceedings of PATTERNS 2011, The Third International Conferences on Pervasive Patterns and Applications. :96-101.
2011. Investigation of Dynamic Load Balancing in Distributed Memory Multiprocessor Machines. Proc. of 15th Intl. Conf. on Information Technology Interfaces.
1993. Integrated Monitoring Approach for Seamless Service Provisioning in Federated Clouds. Proceedings of the 20th international Euromicro conference on parallel, distributed and network-based processing. :567–574.
2012. Integrated Monitoring Approach for Seamless Service Provisioning in Federated Clouds. Proceedings of the 20th international Euromicro conference on parallel, distributed and network-based processing. :567–574.
2012. Integrated Graphic Enviroment to Develop Applications Based on Attribute Grammars. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 641:51-58.
1992. An implementation of the HLP. Acta Cybernetica - Szeged. 6:315-327.
1983. Impact Analysis Using Static Execute After in WebKit. Proceedings of the16th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR'12). :95–104.
2012. Impact Analysis in the Presence of Dependence Clusters Using Static Execute After in WebKit. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process. 26:569-588.
2014. .
2012. Image Presentation in the SZOTE-PACS. Magyar Radiológusok Társasága XIX. Kongresszusa.
1998. Hungarian Dependency Treebank. Proceedings of the Seventh Conference on International Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'10). :1855-1862.