
Export 655 results:
Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
Alexin Z.  2007.  A békén hagyás joga. Népszabadság.
Bakota Tibor, Ferenc R, Gyimóthy T.  2007.  Clone Smells in Software Evolution. ICSM. :24-33.
Nagy C, Lóki G, Beszédes Á, Gyimóthy T.  2007.  Code factoring in GCC on different intermediate languages. Proceedings of the 10th Symposium on Programming Languages and Software Tools (SPLST'07). :79-95.
Fülöp LJ, Ilia Á, Végh ÁZ, Ferenc R.  2007.  Comparing and Evaluating Design Pattern Miner Tools. Proceedings of the 10th Symposium on Programming Languages and Software Tools (SPLST'07). :372-386.
Beszédes Á, Gergely Tamás, Jász Judit, Tóth G, Gyimóthy T, Rajlich V.  2007.  Computation of Static Execute After Relation with Applications to Software Maintenance. Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM'07). :295-304.
Bicsák A, Kiss Á, Ferenc R, Gyimóthy T.  2007.  Constructing control flows graphs of binary executable programs at post-link time.
Alexin Z.  2007.  Conversion of the Phrase-structured Szeged Treebank to Dependency Tree Format. V. Magyar Számítógépes Nyelvészeti Konferencia: MSZNY 2007. :263-266.
Kertész Attila, Rodero I, Guim F.  2007.  Data Model for Describing Grid Resource Broker Capabilities. CoreGRID Workshop on Grid Middleware in conjunction with ISC'07 conference. :39-52.
Bilicki V, Kasza M.  2007.  Dynamic Code Generation and a New AOP Design Pattern in Network Management. Proceedings of the 10th Symposium on Programming Languages and Software Tools (SPLST 2007). :265-280.
Beszédes Á, Gergely Tamás, Faragó S., Gyimóthy T, Fischer F.  2007.  The Dynamic Function Coupling Metric and Its Use in Software Evolution. Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR'07). :103-112.
Kertész Attila.  2007.  Grid Brókerek evolúciója: Egységben az erő. Hiradástechnika.
Kertész Attila, Farkas Z, Kacsuk P, Kiss T.  2007.  Grid interoperability by multiple broker utilization and meta-brokering. Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop on Distributed Cooperative Laboratories: Instrumenting the GRID (INGRID 2007). :1-10.
Kertész Attila, Kacsuk P.  2007.  Grid Meta-Broker Architecture: Towards an Interoperable Grid Resource Brokering Service. Euro-Par 2006: Parallel Processing. 4375:112-115.
Kállai T, Bilicki V.  2007.  Innovation Commercialization in a Rural Region: The Case of Rural Living Lab, Hungary. Summer University on Information Technology in Agriculture and Rural Development. :1-9.
Alexin Z.  2007.  A kutatás kiszolgáltatott tárgya. Népszabadság.
Vidács L, Beszédes Á, Ferenc R.  2007.  Macro Impact Analysis Using Macro Slicing. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Software and Data Technologies (ICSOFT'07). :230-235.
Alexin Z.  2007.  Megoldatlan problémák az egészségügyi adatkezelésben. Infokommunikáció és jog. 22:192-201.
Bicsák A, Kiss Á, Lehotai G, Ferenc R, Gyimóthy T.  2007.  Method and a device for abstracting instruction sequences with tail merging.
Kertész Attila, Sipos G, Kacsuk P.  2007.  Multi-Grid Brokering with the P-GRADE Portal. Post-Proceedings of the Austrian Grid Symposium (AGS'06). :166-179.
Alexin Z.  2007.  A nagy testvér a patikában is figyel. Népszabadság.
Bilicki V, Bohus M, Kasza M.  2007.  Netspotter: a framework for network testing. 7th International Conference on Applied Informatics.
Bilicki V, Béládi R.  2007.  A novel approach for distributed Management and Monitoring of Wireless Mesh Networks. Proceedings of the Regional Conference on Embedded and Ambient Systems (RCEAS 2007). :Paper46.
Bilicki V, Kasza M.  2007.  A novel approach for monitoring ad-hoc networks. Proceedings of the Regional Conference on Embedded and Ambient Systems (RCEAS 2007).
László T, Kiss Á.  2007.  Obfuscating C++ Programs via Control Flow Flattening. Proceedings of the 10th Symposium on Programming Languages and Software Tools (SPLST 2007). :15–29.
Alexin Z, Ábrahám L.  2007.  Reform. Élet és Irodalom. 51