Tanulási eredmények alapú egyetemi kurzusleírások kész{ítése, tapasztalatok és módszertani hatások. INFODIDACT 2015 Informatika Szakmódszertani Konferencia elektronikus kiadványa (DVD). :1–8.
2015. Teaching Software Testing in Hungary. COMPUTERWORLD - Számítástechnika. 42:13-14.
2011. A Test Environment for Investigation of Dynamic Load Balancing in Transputer Networks. Transputer and Occam Engineering Series. 36:284-295.
1993. Theoretical Foundations of Dynamic Program Slicing. Theoretical Computer Science. 360:23–41.
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2012. Töröltethetők egészségügyi adataink. Délmagyarország.
2008. Towards a methodology to form microservices from monolithic ones. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 10104 LNCS:284-295.
2017. Towards autonomous data sharing across personal clouds. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 8806:50-61.
2014. Towards Building Method Level Maintainability Models Based on Expert Evaluations. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 340:146–154.
2012. Towards data interoperability of cloud infrastructures using cloud storage services. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 8374 LNCS:85-94.
2014. Towards enabling scientific workflows for the future internet of things. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST. 169:399-408.
2016. A Trajectory-based Strict Semantics for Program Slicing. Theoretical Computer Science. 411:1372–1386.
2010. A unifying theory of control dependence and its application to arbitrary program structures. Theoretical Computer Science. 412:6809–6842.
2011. Using contextual knowledge in interactive fault localization. EMPIRICAL SOFTWARE ENGINEERING. 27
2022. Using decision trees to infer semantic functions of attribute grammars. Acta Cybern.. 15:279–304.
2001. Using Dynamic Information in the Interprocedural Static Slicing of Binary Executables. Software Quality Journal. 13:227–245.
2005. Using information retrieval based coupling measures for impact analysis. Empirical Softw. Engg.. 14:5–32.
2009. Using the Conceptual Cohesion of Classes for Fault Prediction in Object-Oriented Systems. IEEE Trans. Softw. Eng.. 34:287–300.
2008. Útmutató. Élet és Irodalom. 49
2005. Validating JavaScript Guidelines Across Multiple Web Browsers. Nordic Journal of Computing. 15
2011. Visszásságok az egészségügyi adatok kezelésében: Csak a beteg meg ne tudja!. Jogorvoslap. 3:2-5.
2008. A vizitdíj és könyvelése. Népszabadság.
2007. On a well solvable class of the PNS problem. Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics. 30:21-30.
2000. XML Semantics Extension. Acta Cybernetica. 15:509-528.