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Conference Paper
Fülöp LJ, Tóth G, Vidács L, Beszédes Á, Demeter H, Farkas L, Gyimóthy T, Balogh G.  2012.  Predictive Complex Event Processing. Proceedings of the 5th Balkan Conference in Informatics. :26–31.
Vidács L.  2009.  Refactoring of C/C++ Preprocessor Constructs at the Model Level. Proceedings of ICSOFT 2009, 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies. :232-237.
Tengeri D, Vidács L, Beszédes Á, Jász Judit, Balogh G, la Vancsics B, Gyimóthy T.  2016.  Relating Code Coverage, Mutation Score and Test Suite Reducibility to Defect Density. Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops: 11th International Workshop on Mutation Analysis (MUTATION'16). :174-179.
Dévai R, Vidács L, Ferenc R, Gyimóthy T.  2014.  Service Layer for IDE Integration of C/C++ Preprocessor Related Analysis. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA 2014). 8583
Nagy C, Vidács L, Ferenc R, Gyimóthy T, Kocsis F, Kovács I.  2011.  Solutions for Reverse Engineering 4GL Applications, Recovering the Design of a Logistical Wholesale System. Proceedings of CSMR 2011 (15th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering). :343-346.
Csuvik V, Kicsi A, Vidács L.  2019.  Source Code Level Word Embeddings in Aiding Semantic Test-to-Code Traceability. Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Software and Systems Traceability, (SST 2019 @ ICSE). :29-36.
Tóth L, Vidács L.  2019.  Study of The Performance of Various Classifiers in Labeling Non-Functional Requirements. Information Technology and Control. 48:1-16.
Tóth L, Vidács L.  2018.  Study of Various Classifiers for Identification and Classification of Non-Functional Requirements. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA 2018). 10964:492-503.
Kicsi A, Vidács L, Csuvik V, Horváth F, Beszédes Á, Kocsis F.  2018.  Supporting Product Line Adoption by Combining Syntactic and Textual Feature Extraction. International Conference on Software Reuse.
Vidács L, Horváth F, Mihalicza J, la Vancsics B, Beszédes Á.  2015.  Supporting Software Product Line Testing by Optimizing Code Configuration Coverage. Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops (ICSTW'15); 10th Testing: Academic and Industrial Conference - Practice and Research Techniques (TAIC PART'15). :1-7.
Horváth F, la Vancsics B, Vidács L, Beszédes Á, Tengeri D, Gergely Tamás, Gyimóthy T.  2015.  Test Suite Evaluation using Code Coverage Based Metrics. Proceedings of the 14th Symposium on Programming Languages and Software Tools (SPLST'15). :46-60.
Vidács L, Beszédes Á, Tengeri D, Siket István, Gyimóthy T.  2014.  Test Suite Reduction for Fault Detection and Localization: A Combined Approach. Proceedings of the CSMR-WCRE 2014 Software Evolution Week - IEEE Conference on Software Maintenance, Reengineering, and Reverse Engineering (CSMR-WCRE'14). :204-213.
Kicsi A, Vidács L, Gyimothy T.  2020.  TestRoutes: A Manually Curated Method Level Dataset for Test-to-Code Traceability. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories, MSR 2020. :593-597.
Tóth L, Nagy B, Janthó D, Vidács L, Gyimothy T.  2019.  Towards an Accurate Prediction of the Question Quality at Stack Overflow Using a Deep-Learning-Based NLP Approach. Proceedings of ICSOFT 2019, 14th International Conference on Software Technologies. :631-639.
Tóth L, Nagy B, Gyimothy T, Vidács L.  2020.  Why Will My Question Be Closed? NLP-Based Pre-Submission Predictions of Question Closing Reasons on Stack Overflow Proceedings of the 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering, NIER Track (ICSE 2020). :105-108.
Vidács L.  2004.  Building the Instances of Columbus Schema for C/C++ Preprocessing. Volume of Extended Abstracts of 4th Conference of PhD Students in Computer Science (CSCS 2004). :125.
Vidács L.  2006.  Model transformations on the Preprocessor Metamodel - Graph Transformation approach. Volume of Extended Abstracts of 5th Conference of PhD Students in Computer Science (CSCS 2006). :102-103.
Vidács L.  2009.  Software Maintenance Methods for Preprocessed Languages.