Legal aspects of data protection in cloud federations. Security, Privacy and Trust in Cloud Systems. 9783642385865:433-455.
2014. Strategies for Increased Energy Awareness in Cloud Federations. High-Performance Computing on Complex Environments. :365-382.
2014. Advanced Scheduling Techniques with the Pliant System for High-Level Grid Brokering. Agents and Artificial Intelligence. 129:173-185.
2011. The Anatomy of Grid Resource Management. Remote Instrumentation and Virtual Laboratories. :123-132.
2010. Architectures & Infrastructure. Service Research Challenges and Solutions for the Future Internet. 6500:85-116.
2010. Can We Connect Existing Production Grids into a World Wide Grid? High Performance Computing for Computational Science - VECPAR 2008. :109–122.
2008. Grid Meta-Broker Architecture: Towards an Interoperable Grid Resource Brokering Service. Euro-Par 2006: Parallel Processing. 4375:112-115.
2007. Gridifying the TINKER Conformer Generator Application for gLite Grid. Euro-Par 2010 Parallel Processing Workshops. 6586:185-192.
2011. Interoperable Resource Management for establishing Federated Clouds. Achieving Federated and Self-Manageable Cloud Infrastructures: Theory and Practice.
2011. Meta-Brokering Solutions for Expanding Grid Middleware Limitations. Euro-Par 2008 Workshops. :199–210.
2009. Modeling and Negotiating Service Quality. Service Research Challenges and Solutions for the Future Internet. 6500:157-208.
2010. Multi-level Brokering Solution for Interoperating Service and Desktop Grids. Euro-Par 2010 Parallel Processing Workshops. 6586:271-278.
2011. A Taxonomy of Grid Resource Brokers. Distributed and Parallel Systems. :201-210.
2007. Autonomic SLA-Aware Service Virtualization for Distributed Systems. Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing (PDP), 2011 19th Euromicro International Conference on. :503-510.
2011. Brokering multi-grid workflows in the P-GRADE portal. Proceedings of the CoreGRID 2006, UNICORE Summit 2006, Petascale Computational Biology and Bioinformatics conference on Parallel processing. :138–149.
2006. Brokering on globus. PhD Hallgatók 5. Nemzetközi Konferenciája. :73-78.
2005. Brokering Solution for Science Gateways Using Multiple Distributed Computing Infrastructures. Proceedings - 7th International Workshop on Science Gateways, IWSG 2015. :28-33.
2015. Brokering solutions for Grid middlewares. Pre-proc. of 1st Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science.
2005. Cloud workload prediction by means of simulations. ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers 2017, CF 2017. :279-282.
2017. Cost-efficient datacentre consolidation for cloud federations. 8th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science. :213-220.
2018. Data Model for Describing Grid Resource Broker Capabilities. CoreGRID Workshop on Grid Middleware in conjunction with ISC'07 conference. :39-52.
2007. Energy-aware VM scheduling in IaaS clouds using pliant logic. CLOSER 2014 - Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science. :519-526.
2014. The ENTICE approach to decompose monolithic services into microservices. 2016 International Conference on High Performance Computing and Simulation, HPCS 2016. :591-596.
2016. Facilitating self-adaptable Inter-Cloud management. Accepted for the 20th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Computing (PDP '12).