December 17, 2024
Dr. Hamza Baniata from the Department’s IoT-Cloud group presented a paper titled “CryDeG: Towards Standardized Cryptocurrency Decrees”, co-authored with Prof. Attila Kertész, at the 6th international conference on Blockchain: Computing and Applications (BCCA-2024) held in Dubai, UAE between 25-30 November, 2024.
Their proposal attempts to address the mass confusion in official cryptocurrency reports and decrees. Specifically, the paper provides the necessary technical details for non-practitioners on cryptocurrencies, with guidelines for characterizing the required level of comprehensiveness in this regards that will help decision makers prepare well-defined official decrees and reports. The main contribution is a framework for generating optimally unbiased decrees about a given (type of) cryptocurrency. Meanwhile, similarities and differences between conventional and unconventional economic systems, and cases of incomplete decrees were also discussed.
The paper is available on ResearchGate.