CryDeG paper presented at BCCA-24

December 17, 2024

Dr. Hamza Baniata from the Department’s IoT-Cloud group presented a paper titled “CryDeG: Towards Standardized Cryptocurrency Decrees”, co-authored with Prof. Attila Kertész, at the 6th international conference on Blockchain: Computing and Applications (BCCA-2024) held in Dubai, UAE between 25-30 November, 2024.

Their proposal attempts to address the mass confusion in official cryptocurrency reports and decrees. Specifically, the paper provides the necessary technical details for non-practitioners on cryptocurrencies, with guidelines for characterizing the required level of comprehensiveness in this regards that will help decision makers prepare well-defined official decrees and reports. The main contribution is a framework for generating optimally unbiased decrees about a given (type of) cryptocurrency. Meanwhile, similarities and differences between conventional and unconventional economic systems, and cases of incomplete decrees were also discussed.

The paper is available on ResearchGate.

Page last modified: December 17, 2024