Comparative study on JavaScript builders published in IEEE Access

March 23, 2023

An article titled “Is JavaScript Call Graph Extraction Solved Yet? A Comparative Study of Static and Dynamic Tools” written by Dr. Gábor Antal, Dr. Péter Hegedűs, Zoltán Herczeg, Gábor Lóki, and Dr. Rudolf Ferenc has been accepted into the Q1 journal IEEE Access.

The code analysis of JavaScript is increasingly important due to the language’s popularity. There are quite a few tools to get this job done, however, their performance in vitro and especially in vivo has not yet been extensively compared and evaluated.

In this paper, the authors compared several approaches for building JavaScript call graphs, namely five static and two dynamic approaches on 26 WebKit SunSpider programs, and two static and two dynamic approaches on 12 real-world Node.js programs. They provided a quantitative evaluation of the results, and a result quality analysis based on 941 manually validated call edges.

The paper can be read on IEEE Xplore.

Page last modified: March 23, 2023