
Paper accepted into D1 Journal

Dec 22, 2021

As the last piece of good news for this year, a paper titled “DONS: Dynamic optimized neighbor selection for smart blockchain networks”, authored by Hamza Baniata, Ahmad Anaqreh, and Attila Kertész has been accepted into the D1 (top 10%) ranked journal Future Generation Computer Systems.

Page last modified: December 22, 2021

Articles presented at ICCSA

Oct 4, 2021

Several students at our department have presented their newest articles at the 21st International Conference on Computer Science and Its Applications (ICCSA) conference held in September. Among the authors were Edit Pengő, Péter Gál, Yue Sun, Tamás Aladics, Zsolt János Szamosvölgyi, and Endre Tamás Váradi.

The following papers were presented:

Page last modified: October 4, 2021

Article presented at SCAM

Sept 30, 2021

The article titled “Method Calls Frequency-Based Tie-Breaking Strategy For Software Fault Localization”, authored by Qusay Idrees Sarhan, Béla Vancsics, and Árpád Beszédes (Department of Software Engineering) was presented at this year’s SCAM conference.

Page last modified: September 30, 2021

Article presented at SCAM

Sept 29, 2021

The article titled “CharmFL: A Fault Localization Tool for Python”, authored by Qusay Idrees Sarhan, Attila Szatmári, Rajmond Tóth and Árpád Beszédes (Department of Software Engineering) was presented at this year’s SCAM conference.

In the article, the researchers present a new tool called CharmFL, which is meant to aid the developers in the fault localization process for Python code.

Page last modified: September 29, 2021

Article published by MDPI

Sept 15, 2021

An article written by Biswajeeban Mishra, Biswaranjan Mishra, and Attila Kertész (Department of Software Engineering), titled “Stress-Testing MQTT Brokers: A Comparative Analysis of Performance Measurements” was recently published by the open-access publisher, MDPI.

Page last modified: September 15, 2021

Paper published in PeerJ

Aug 9, 2021

A paper titled “Actuator behaviour modelling in IoT-Fog-Cloud simulation” by András Márkus, Máté Bíró, Gábor Kecskeméti, and Attila Kertész (Department of Software Engineering) has been published in the prestigious open access journal PeerJ.

Page last modified: August 9, 2021

Paper presented at ICME 2021

July 12, 2021

A paper titled “Hardware-aware Model Optimization Tool For Embedded Devices”, authored by Cagri Ozcinar, Dongsung Kim, Benjamin Rufus Duckworth, Shayan Joya, Nicolas Scotto Di Perto, Attila Dusnoki, Márkó Fabó, Dániel Vince, Gábor Lóki, Ákos Kiss, and Christopher Alder has been accepted for and presented at the ICME conference.

Page last modified: July 12, 2021