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A Parallel Design Method for Producing Valid Protocols. Proc. of 8th Symposium on Microcomputer and Microprocessor Applications. :689-697.
1994. Integrating Algorithmic Debugging and Unfolding Transformation in an Interactive Learner. Proceedings of the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI'96). :403-407.
1996. Integrating Algorithmic Debugging and Unfolding Transformation in an Interactive Learner. Fifth International Workshop on Inductive Logic Programming. :437-452.
1996. Application of inductive logic programming for learning ECG waveforms. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. 1211:126-129.
1997. IMPUT: An Interactive Learning Tool Based on Program Specialization. Intelligent Data Analysis. 1:219–244.
1997. On Decision-Mappings Related to Process Network Synthesis Problem. Acta Cybernetica. 13:319-328.
1998. Explicit bounds for the number of feasible solutions of special PNS-problem classes. Pure Mathematics and Applications. 9:17-27.
1998. Mobil felhasználók mobilitása. Networkshop 1998.
1998. .
1998. An efficient relevant slicing method for debugging. SIGSOFT Softw. Eng. Notes. 24:303–321.
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1999. An Efficient Relevant Slicing Method for Debugging. Proceedings of the Joint 7th European Software Engineering Conference and 7th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE'99). :303-321.
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1999. On a Merging Reduction of the Process Network Synthesis Problem. Acta Cybernetica. 14:251-261.
1999. On bottleneck and k-sum versions of the Process Network Synthesis problems. Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics. 30:11-19.
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2000. On a well solvable class of the PNS problem. Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics. 30:21-30.
2000. Columbus – Tool for Reverse Engineering Large Object Oriented Software Systems. Proceedings of the Seventh Symposium on Programming Languages and Software Tools (SPLST 2001). :16-27.
2001. Dynamic Slicing Method for Maintenance of Large C Programs. Proceedings of the Fifth European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR 2001). :105-113.
2001. Heuristics for the PNS problem. Optimization theory: Recent development from Mátraháza. :1-18.
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2001. Columbus – Reverse Engineering Tool and Schema for C++. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM'02). :172-181.