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Book Chapter
Kertész Attila, Ötvös F, Kacsuk P.  2011.  Gridifying the TINKER Conformer Generator Application for gLite Grid. Euro-Par 2010 Parallel Processing Workshops. 6586:185-192.
Kertész Attila, Kacsuk P.  2007.  Grid Meta-Broker Architecture: Towards an Interoperable Grid Resource Brokering Service. Euro-Par 2006: Parallel Processing. 4375:112-115.
Kacsuk P, Kertész Attila, Kiss T.  2008.  Can We Connect Existing Production Grids into a World Wide Grid? High Performance Computing for Computational Science - VECPAR 2008. :109–122.
André F, Brandic I, Daubert E, Gauvrit G, Giordano M, Kecskeméti G, Kertész Attila, Napoli DC, Zs. Németh, Pazat J-L et al..  2010.  Architectures & Infrastructure. Service Research Challenges and Solutions for the Future Internet. 6500:85-116.
Kertész Attila, Prokosch T.  2010.  The Anatomy of Grid Resource Management. Remote Instrumentation and Virtual Laboratories. :123-132.
Dombi JD, Kertész Attila.  2011.  Advanced Scheduling Techniques with the Pliant System for High-Level Grid Brokering. Agents and Artificial Intelligence. 129:173-185.