September 29, 2022
The closing event of the GINOP project titled “Development of SMARTCity and SMARTVillage technologies and services at SAGEMCom, in cooperation with universities” was held at the rector’s building of the University of Szeged on the 22nd of September.
In the project, which started in 2017 and concluded last week, the University of Szeged was tasked with researching and developing complex technical solutions that would enable isolated settlements and other communities to provide sustainable, economical, and secure electricity services. In particular, this would be most useful in infrastructurally underdeveloped areas with poor utility services for residents and businesses.
The novelty of the technology is that the elements of the system can operate reliably in extreme weather conditions with very low consumption and a high level of physical and data security.
The results achieved could be of significant help in mitigating today's energy supply problems and in building and operating affordable and sustainable energy production and services.