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Analysis of a Pulse Rate Variability Measurement Using a Smartphone Camera. Journal of Healthcare Engineering. vol. 2018:15pages.
2018. Prediction models for performance, power, and energy efficiency of software executed on heterogeneous hardware. JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING. 75:4001-4025.
2019. Prediction Models for Performance, Power, and Energy Efficiency of Software Executed on Heterogeneous Hardware. Journal of Supercomputing. :25.
2018. Prediction Models for Performance, Power, and Energy Efficiency of Software Executed on Heterogeneous Hardware. Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (ISPA 2015). :178–183.
2015. Recognizing Antipatterns and Analyzing Their Effects on Software Maintainability. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA 2014). 8583:337–352.
2014. Identifying Wasted Effort in the Field via Developer Interaction Data. Proceedings of the 31th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME'15), Industry Track. :391-400.
2015. CodeMetropolis - a Minecraft based collaboration tool for developers. Proceedings of the 1st IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization (VISSOFT'13), New Ideas or Emerging Results track. :1-4.
2013. CodeMetropolis - code visualisation in Minecraft. Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM'13), Tool Track. :127-132.
2013. CodeMetropolis: Eclipse over the City of Source Code. Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM'15). :271-276.
2015. Are My Unit Tests in the Right Package? Proceedings of 16th IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM'16). :137-146.
2016. Using the City Metaphor for Visualizing Test-Related Metrics. Proceedings of the IEEE 23rd International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering, the First International Workshop on Validating Software Tests (VST'16). :17-20.
2016. The Software Testing Curriculum in the Hungarian Education in Conjunction with International Standards. Proceedings of the Conference on Informatics in Higher Education 2011 (IF 2011). :1096-1103.
2011. Mining Design Patterns from C++ Source Code. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM 2003). :305-314.
2003. QualityGate SourceAudit: a Tool for Assessing the Technical Quality of Software. Proceedings of the 2014 Software Evolution Week (Merger of the 18th IEEE European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering & 21st IEEE Working Conference on Reverse Engineering – CSMR-WCRE 2014). :440–445.
2014. A probabilistic software quality model. Software Maintenance (ICSM), 2011 27th IEEE International Conference on. :243-252.
2011. Tracking the evolution of code clones. Proceedings of the 37th Springer LNCS International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of computer science. :86-98.
2011. A Cost Model Based on Software Maintainability. Proceedings of the 28th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM). :316–325.
2012. Clone Smells in Software Evolution. ICSM. :24-33.
2007. Semi-Automatic Test Case Generation from Business Process Models. Proceedings of the 11th Symposium on Programming Languages and Software Tools and 7th Nordic Workshop on Model Driven Software Engineering (SPLST'09). :5-18.
2009. Towards Portable Metrics-based Models for Software Maintenance Problems. Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM 2006). :483-486.
2006. Continuous Software Quality Supervision Using SourceInventory and Columbus. Research Demonstrations of 30th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'08). :931-932.
2008. On Efficiency of Multi-job Grid Allocation Based on Statistical Trace Data. Journal of Grid Computing. 12:169-186.
2014. A Set of Successive Job Allocation Models in Distributed Computing Infrastructures. Journal of Grid Computing. 14:347-358.