
Export 655 results:
Author Title Type [ Year(Desc)]
Alexin Z.  2005.  A betegek alapvető emberi jogai. Magyar Hírlap.
Gergely Tamás, Havasi F, Gyimóthy T.  2005.  Binary code compression based on decision trees. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences Engineering. 11:269-285.
Kertész Attila.  2005.  Brokering on globus. PhD Hallgatók 5. Nemzetközi Konferenciája. :73-78.
Kertész Attila.  2005.  Brokering solutions for Grid middlewares. Pre-proc. of 1st Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science.
Beszédes Á, Ferenc R, Gyimóthy T.  2005.  Columbus: A Reverse Engineering Approach. Proceedings of the 13th IEEE Workshop on Software Technology and Engineering Practice (STEP 2005). :93-96.
Ferenc R, Beszédes Á, Fülöp LJ, Lele J.  2005.  Design Pattern Mining Enhanced by Machine Learning. Proceedings of the 21th International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM 2005). :295-304.
Szegedi A, Gyimóthy T.  2005.  Dynamic Slicing of Java Bytecode Programs. Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE International Workshop on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation. :35–44.
Gyimóthy T, Ferenc R, Siket István.  2005.  Empirical Validation of Object-Oriented Metrics on Open Source Software for Fault Prediction. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. 31:897-910.
Kiss Á.  2005.  Formalizing Slicing – Results, Current Work and Challenges. Beyond Program Slicing – Abstracts Collection. 05451:10–11.
Horváth E, Forgács I, Kiss Á, Jász Judit, Gyimóthy T.  2005.  General Flow-Sensitive Pointer Analysis and Call Graph Construction. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences – Engineering. 11:286–295.
Horváth E, Forgács I, Kiss Á, Jász Judit, Gyimóthy T.  2005.  General Flow-Sensitive Pointer Analysis and Call Graph Construction. Proceedings of the 9th Symposium on Programming Languages and Software Tools (SPLST 2005). :49–58.
Kertész Attila.  2005.  A JPVM felépítése és használata grafikus környezetben.
Bilicki V.  2005.  LanStore: a highly distributed reliable file storage system. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on .NET Technologies. :47-56.
Bohus M, Bilicki V.  2005.  LanStore: egy elosztott, megbízható fájl tároló rendszer. Networkshop 2005. :Paper156.
Binkley D, Danicic S, Gyimóthy T, Harman M, Kiss Á, Korel B.  2005.  Minimal Slicing and the Relationships between Forms of Slicing. Proceedings of the 5th {IEEE} International Workshop on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation ({SCAM} 2005). :45–54.
Gergely Tamás, Havasi F, Beszédes Á.  2005.  Model Based Code Compression.
Alexin Z.  2005.  Notes on "Dr. Julia Sziklay: Genetic Data, Biobanks and/or Data Protection".
Csendes D, Alexin Z, Csirik J, Kocsor A.  2005.  A Szeged Korpusz és Treebank verzióinak története. III. magyar számítógépes grafika és geometria konferencia. :409-412.
Csendes D, Csirik J, Gyimóthy T, Kocsor A.  2005.  The Szeged Treebank. TSD. :123-131.
Ferenc R, Beszédes Á, Gyimóthy T.  2005.  Tools for Software Maintenance and Reengineering. :16-31.
Kiss Á, Jász Judit, Gyimóthy T.  2005.  Using Dynamic Information in the Interprocedural Static Slicing of Binary Executables. Software Quality Journal. 13:227–245.
Alexin Z, Ábrahám L.  2005.  Útmutató. Élet és Irodalom. 49