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Hócza A, Alexin Z, Csendes D, Csirik J, Gyimóthy T.  2003.  Application of ILP methods in different natural language processing phases for information extraction from Hungarian texts. Kalmár Workshop on Logic and Computer Science. :107-116.
Kálmán M, Havasi F, Gyimóthy T.  2003.  Compacting XML Documents. SPLST. :137-151.
Kiss Á, Jász Judit, Lehotai G, Gyimóthy T.  2003.  Interprocedural Static Slicing of Binary Executables. Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Workshop on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM 2003). :118–127.
Csendes D, Hatvani C., Alexin Z, Csirik J, Gyimóthy T, Prószéky G, Váradi T.  2003.  Kézzel annotált magyar nyelvi korpusz: a Szeged Korpusz. I. Magyar Számítógépes Nyelvészeti Konferencia előadásai: MSZNY 2003. :238-245.
Alexin Z, Gyimóthy T, Hatvani C., Tihanyi L, Csirik J, Bibok K, Prószéky G.  2003.  Manually annotated Hungarian corpus. Proceedings of the tenth conference on European chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics - Volume 2. :53-56.
Beszédes Á, Gergely Tamás, Gyimóthy T, Lóki G, Vidács L.  2003.  Optimizing for Space : Measurements and Possibilities for Improvement. Proceedings of the 2003 GCC Developers' Summit. :7-20.
Szilágyi G., Gyimóthy T.  2003.  Precise static slicing of constraint logic programs. Kalmár Workshop on Logic and Computer Science. :153-164.
Beszédes Á, Ferenc R, Gyimóthy T, Dolenc A, Karsisto K.  2003.  Survey of Code-Size Reduction Methods. ACM Computing Surveys. 35:223-267.
Ferenc R, Beszédes Á, Tarkiainen M, Gyimóthy T.  2002.  Columbus – Reverse Engineering Tool and Schema for C++. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM'02). :172-181.
Szilágyi G., Gyimóthy T, Małuszyński J.  2002.  Static and Dynamic Slicing of Constraint Logic Programs. Automated Software Engg.. 9:41–65.
Beszédes Á, Faragó C., Szabó Z.M, Csirik J, Gyimóthy T.  2002.  Union Slices for Program Maintenance. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM 2002). :12-21.
Alexin Z, Zvada S., Gyimóthy T.  1999.  Application of AGLEARN on Hungarian Part-of-speech Tagging. Second Workshop on Attribute Grammars and their Applications WAGA99. :133–152.
Horváth T, Alexin Z, Gyimóthy T, Wrobel S.  1999.  Application of Different Learning Methods to Hungarian Part-of-Speech Tagging. Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Inductive Logic Programming. :128–139.

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