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Journal Article
Kertész Attila, Kacsuk P.  2010.  GMBS: A new middleware service for making grids interoperable. Future Generation Computer Systems. 26:542-553.
Kecskemeti G, Kertész Attila, Marosi A., Prodan R..  2014.  First international workshop on federative and interoperable cloud infrastructures (FedICI 2013). Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 8374 LNCS:114-115.
Kertész Attila, Kecskeméti G, Oriol M, Kotcauer P., Acs S, Rodrígez M., Mercè O., Marosi A, Marco J, Franch X.  2013.  Enhancing Federated Cloud Management with an Integrated Service Monitoring Approach. JOURNAL OF GRID COMPUTING. 11:699–720.
Bacsó G., Visegrádi Á., Kertész Attila, Nemeth Z..  2014.  On Efficiency of Multi-job Grid Allocation Based on Statistical Trace Data. Journal of Grid Computing. 12:169-186.
Kimovski D., Marosi A., Gec S., Saurabh N., Kertész Attila, Kecskemeti G, Stankovski V., Prodan R..  2017.  Distributed environment for efficient virtual machine image management in federated Cloud architectures. Concurrency Computation.
Pflanzner T., Hovari M., Vass I., Kertesz A..  2020.  Designing an IoT-Cloud Gateway for the Internet of Living Things. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 1218 CCIS:23-41.
Markus A., Kertész Attila, Kecskemeti G.  2017.  Cost-aware IoT extension of DISSECT-CF. Future Internet. vol. 9
Kecskeméti G, Németh Z, Kertész Attila, Ranjan R.  2019.  Cloud workload prediction based on workflow execution time discrepancies. Cluster Computing. vol 22(3):737-755.
Kertész Attila, Otvos F., Kacsuk P..  2014.  A case study for biochemical application porting in european grids and clouds. Concurrency Computation Practice and Experience. 26:1730-1743.
Barat T., Kertész Attila.  2014.  Biochemical application porting by interoperating personal and IaaS clouds. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 8805:275-286.
Kertész Attila, Dombi JD, Dombi J.  2009.  Adaptive Scheduling Solution for Grid Meta-Brokering.. Acta Cybern.. 19:105-123.
Conference Paper
Kalmar E.E., Kertész Attila.  2017.  What does I(o)T cost? ICPE 2017 - Companion of the 2017 ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering. :19-24.
Pflanzner T., Kertész Attila.  2016.  A survey of IoT cloud providers. 2016 39th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics, MIPRO 2016 - Proceedings. :730-735.
Kertész Attila, Kecskeméti G, Brandic I.  2009.  An SLA-based resource virtualization approach for on-demand service provision. Proceedings of the 3rd international workshop on Virtualization technologies in distributed computing. :27–34.
Markus A., Kertész Attila.  2017.  Simulating IoT Cloud systems: A meteorological case study. 2017 2nd International Conference on Fog and Mobile Edge Computing, FMEC 2017. :171-176.
Dombi JD, Kertész Attila.  2010.  Scheduling Solution for Grid Meta-Brokering using the Pliant System.. ICAART (2)'10. :46-53.
Baniata H., Kertesz A..  2020.  PF-BVM: A Privacy-aware fog-enhanced blockchain validation mechanism. CLOSER 2020 - Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science. :430-439.
Pflanzner T., Tornyai R., Gibizer B., Schmidt A., Kertész Attila.  2016.  Performance analysis of an openstack private cloud. CLOSER 2016 - Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science. 2:282-289.
Kertész Attila, Maros G., Dombi JD.  2014.  Multi-job meta-brokering in distributed computing infrastructures using pliant logic. Proceedings - 2014 22nd Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing, PDP 2014. :138-145.
Kertész Attila, Sipos G, Kacsuk P.  2007.  Multi-Grid Brokering with the P-GRADE Portal. Post-Proceedings of the Austrian Grid Symposium (AGS'06). :166-179.
Pflanzner T., Kertész Attila, Spinnewyn B., Latre S..  2016.  MobIoTSim: Towards a mobile IoT device simulator. Proceedings - 2016 4th International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud Workshops, W-FiCloud 2016. :21-27.
Kertész Attila, Rodero I, Guim F.  2008.  Meta-brokering approaches in state-of-the-art grid resource management.. CoreGrid integration workshop 2008. Integrated research grid computing. :371-382.
Kertész Attila, Kacsuk P.  2008.  Meta-broker for future generation grids: a new approach for a high-level interoperable resource management. :53-63.
Kalmar E.E., Kertész Attila, Varadi S., Garg R., Stiller B..  2016.  Legal and regulative aspects of IoT cloud systems. Proceedings - 2016 4th International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud Workshops, W-FiCloud 2016. :15-20.