SourceMeter SonarQube plug-in

TitleSourceMeter SonarQube plug-in
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsFerenc R, Langó L, Siket István, Gyimóthy T, Bakota Tibor
Conference NameProceedings of the 14th IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM 2014)
Date Publishedsep
PublisherIEEE Computer Society
Conference LocationVictoria, British Columbia, Canada
Keywordsclone detection, coding issues, metrics, plug-in, software quality, Sonar Qube, Source Meter

The SourceMeter Sonar Qube plug-in is an extension of Sonar Qube, an open-source platform for managing code quality made by Sonar Source S.A, Switzerland. The plug-in extends the built-in Java code analysis engine of Sonar Qube with Front End ART's high-end Java code analysis engine. Most of Sonar Qubes original analysis results are replaced (including the detected source code duplications), while the range of available analyses is extended with a number of additional metrics and issue detectors. Additionally, the plug-in offers new GUI features on the Sonar Qube dashboard and drilldown views, making the Sonar Qube user experience more comfortable and the work with the tool more productive.

Page last modified: January 23, 2018